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Specification: matcha
Detail: Matcha is a finely ground and powdered green tea. The tea used to create matcha is grown in the shaded misty mountains of Japan. This region receives very little direct sunlight. Incidentally, matcha It is commonly known for i...
tribulus terrestris extract
Specification: 10%~90%
Detail: Tribulus Terrestris is a desirable herb for athlete's. Because it is believed to increase the body's levers of testosterone, the herb is widely used to enhance muscle cell growth and boost bodily strengh.Lovers, love Tribulus ...
maca extract
Specification: 10:1
Detail: Maca Also widely known as Peruvian ginseng, maca shows great potential as an adaptogen, according to foremost maca researcher G. Gonzales51. This adaptogenic potential may account for the balancing, energizing and stress-reduc...
epimedium extract lcariin powder
Specification: 10%
Detail: Epimedium, also known as Horny Goat Weed, or Yin Yang Huo, is a genus of about 60 or more species of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Berberidaceae. The large majority are endemic to southern China, with further outpo...
yohimbe bark extract
Specification: 8%
Detail: Yohimbe is a tree that grows in Africa, and the natives there have used the crude bark and purified compound to enhance sexual desire and performance. Yohimbe has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac. It has even been smo...
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